
Passive EMV-Komponenten für Automobilanwendungen

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Partnered With Digi-Key Electronics
Passive components that are only AEC-Q200 tested are not enough for the use in automotive application. Many more tests are needed for qualification for a good design and high quality component. Everybody knows that without electronics, our vehicles will stop to operate. No one wishes to experience the need to be towed in the middle of the night, especially when it is cold and raining/snowing, and you are staying alone in the middle of nowhere. The reason; a damaged simple passive component.
Let's avoid this nightmare together and pay attention to few little design tips using the passive components adequate to his reliability that will never fail.

In this live webinar we show you:
Which qualification need to fulfill a component?
Which materials are filtering best for EMI noise?
Where to use them?
Who can help in design questions?

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