Internationalization, innovation and digitalization

WE starts the 2010s


In July, Wurth Electronics ICS, Inc. opens in Dayton (Ohio, USA) with eleven employees.
Ordering stencils and PCBs easily - with a sales increase of more than 70% on the previous year, the WEdirekt online shop achieves a remarkable result. The Würth Elektronik design conferences, which have been part of sales activities abroad since 2005, are also offered in Germany with great success.
Würth Elektronik eiSos publishes the reference guide "Trilogy of Connectors". Direct sales are launched in Norway and Turkey.


Asia Production is founded. Printed circuit boards from Asia expand the portfolio to include additional technologies and now make it possible to cover the entire product life cycle even with large series.


Würth Elektronik eiSos inaugurates a technology center in Waldenburg. The ten-million-euro extension with laboratory and technical rooms as well as multimedia offices provides space for further growth and is designed for 300 workplaces. 


Direct line to customers and IC manufacturers in the Munich area:  Würth Elektronik eiSos launches the Design & Application Center in Munich-Garching, another center for the development of new electronic components.
Würth Elektronik ICS amazes the trade public with an innovation: with the robust SKEDD direct plug-in technology, plugs and components can be directly connected to and disconnected from the PCB without tools.


Würth Elektronik ICS inaugurates a new technology and production center. All five previous locations in the Hohenlohe region now operate in a modern new building at the Waldzimmern industrial park in Niedernhall.
The Italian connector manufacturer Stelvio Kontek SpA is acquired.


We go to Berlin. Würth Elektronik eiSos opens the Competence Center in Berlin. Here, solution concepts in application development are developed and technology partnerships with startups are cultivated. The new Design & Application Center in Barcelona develops customer-specific solutions and deepens cooperation with the University of Valencia.
Entry into the North American PCB market with a sales team in the USA.


The new PCB plant in Niedernhall is the most modern of its kind in Europe when it is commissioned.
Power distributors for commercial vehicles can now be developed even faster with compact platform-based solutions, the REDline Power Boxes. Electronic and electromechanical components as far as the eye can see: With the major project of expanding the logistics center in Waldenburg, storage capacity has been doubled, so that 14,000 different items are now available from stock and 4,000 withdrawals are possible every day.
AMBER wireless GmbH, specializing in the development, manufacture and sale of products for wireless data transmission, becomes part of the Würth Elektronik eiSos Group.


New product area: Würth Elektronik ICS introduces the HMI solution WEcabin Display i7.
The acquisition of IQD Frequency Products, headquartered in Crewkerne, England, expands the product range to include quartz crystals and oscillators. The company draws on over 40 years of experience in the manufacture of frequency products.


Würth Elektronik ICS offers both customized HV power distribution units and standardized HV power distribution units for hybrid and electric vehicles.