Gender & Strong Personalities

I’m right where I need to be

  • Sara
  • Supply Chain Manager 
  • Worked hard and earned more


“I’m right where I need and want to be”

Woman standing in front of a white wall and smiling at camera


Q&A from the conversation with Sara

Sara: In any case. I am where I am today because I show up to work every day with a positive attitude, a driving work ethic and a curiosity about what our customers are doing. I absolutely love working at Wurth Elektroniks. Even on the most stressful of days, I don’t wonder if there is somewhere else I could work. I’m right where I need and want to be.

Sara: The funny version, in 2011 I quit my job and terminated my lease with two young children to move back home to SD before I had a job and a place to live. I was applying at a different company up the road from Wurth in Watertown and randomly stopped in to fill out an application for an account manager position. I had faith God would provide because it was time to move back to South Dakota. Jamie L. liked my resume and the rest is history. Moving up the ranks in different leadership positions, well that’s because Don and Dominik kept asking me do to more, usually at the last minute, and I couldn’t say no.

Sara: Being technically challenged in a world we where we are on the front line of electronic design was a big challenge. My 8 year old had to teach me how to use my first smart phone. But because of Jamie’s amazing training in how to ask the right questions so engineers tell you everything you need to know, my original FAE (Marcin) who never let me come to him for help until I could prove I exhausted all my own knowledge and research first, Dave T. teaching me how to label my catalogs and the Trilogy of Magnetics so I could quickly flip to the right chapters and pages. Plus, the company invested a lot in my leadership development by setting up a training so I could be a better leader and colleague .


  • Overwhelming at times – when the circumstances beyond your control collapse the globally supply chain, a lot of responsibility comes down on your shoulders to find solutions to customers who cannot get deliveries. The worst feeling is letting people down or disappointing them.
  • Exciting when the teams find crazy solutions to impossible customer dilemmas.
  • Powerful and scary because what my teams do every day, directly impacts our customers and company and that is a huge responsibility. One we do not take lightly. We have to get products to our customers when they want them. We need external supply chains to be timely and internal processes to flow smoothly in order to build that loyalty and experience with our customers. Why else would they come back for project after project with us? As I mentioned before, I’m right where I need to be.

Sara:  I had no ulterior motive to be successful, just simply the drive to be my best for the customers and to be present for my two girls as they grew up. Wurth gave me that. I worked hard and earned more freedom through my performance, which allowed me to be in the bleachers or on the side lines for every event my children had. That first time they scored in basketball game, I was there. The first band concert playing in front of 200 people, I was there. Where I am isn’t a title or a position to me, it’s the flexibility to be present for my family and my kids.