Short introduction:
„There must be a balance”
Questions and Answers from the Conversation with Toby
Toby: Some days it can feel like a lot, but we are familiar with large families. We believe in all of the teachings of the Holy Bible, and that the number of children that we have should be according to God’s will. He has blessed my wife Crystal and I with 3 girls and 4 boys, which keep us busy but bring us a lot of joy.
Toby: Sometimes things are a bit chaotic, but really, we touch on all ends of the spectrum; sometimes there is a lot of hustle and bustle and noise…. and sometimes the house is way too quiet, and I have to go around and see what everyone is doing. All-in-all, it is a happy household.
Toby: Crystal is a wonderful wife and mother. She is a full-time stay-at-home mom, taking care of the kids and trying to keep up with the laundry, dishes, appointments, and so on. However, it comes as no surprise that situations sometimes occur where the mom cannot physically be in two places at once. Würth Elektronik is supportive of families and accommodating personal situations and flexible with working hours and/or working from home. And the company provides excellent benefits that are very helpful for a family. This past summer, they also hosted a family night complete with hot dogs and bouncy houses.
Toby: We often hear the phrase “cheaper by the dozen”, but I will tell you, kids don’t eat any less as the family grows and they themselves grow. We often buy second-hand and tend to repair things ourselves when we can. Career advancement opportunities at Würth Elektronik allowed me to continue to support a growing family. But in the end, it is God who provides, and we’ve always had enough.
Toby. My family and faith help define who I am. Can there be conflict between family and career? Sure. Sometimes family time must be sacrificed for important job obligations, but there must be a balance. However, Würth Elektronik supports its people, and has been supportive of my family life in my 10+ years working here. Thank you, Würth Elektronik.
“One of the things I’ve always found so fascinating is how every child has a completely unique personality. Here is our mix:”
Our 12 year-old daughter is very particular and methodical. She is kind and quick to make friends, and enjoys reading and singing.
Our 11 year-old son is quiet and inquisitive. He is a tinkerer and a reader, and loves cooking and baking.
Our 9 year-old daughter has an interesting personality. In crowds, she is quiet and shy. But at home or in a comfortable setting, she is a regular firecracker- blunt, fun, and spunky, and no one questions what her mood is because it is always evident. She is excellent with babies, efficient, and extremely observant.
Our 8 year-old son is extremely outgoing. He loves to meet and interact with people. He is a goofball and prankster, has an overactive imagination, and rarely stops talking. Interestingly, he is very sensitive but normally doesn’t show it.
Our 5 year-old daughter is very kind, loving and tenderhearted, but a bit spunky at times too. She has an infectious laugh and she is very athletic and nimble, but you will often find her playing with dolls while singing.
Our 3 year-old son is almost always cheerful. He loves playing with his siblings, and finds humor in everything. He is intrigued by equipment, tools, dirt and following me around. He also has a tendency to get stuck in unusual places. It is not strange to hear one of the other kids come yelling “Mom! (or Dad!) Lars is stuck!”
Our 8-month old son is perhaps the nicest baby you ever saw. He is calm and content to sit and watch the action around him, and smiles at everyone.