For all aspects of electromagnetic compatibility

Your partner for reliable EMC-compliant application design

In today's connected world, in which a multitude of electronic devices communicate with each other, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) plays a crucial role. We recognized this early on. Our success story in the field of EMC began in 1995 with a patent: a hinged ferrite with a key for subsequent interference suppression is still representative of our most important expertise today.

Our many years of experience in the field of EMC and our commitment to providing not only the right product but also the necessary knowledge make us a strong partner at your side. From the concept to the development of the design, from the first prototype to production - we offer you the necessary support in all phases of this process in order to identify challenges in the field of EMC at an early stage and find suitable solutions. Together we bring your design to life!

With us, you will not only find the right component for your project, we also provide the necessary expertise: The combination of high-quality products and valuable knowledge transfer characterize our service and make it possible to minimize electromagnetic interference and meet necessary EMC requirements.

EMC Product Portfolio

The matching products for your application design

EMC Product Portfolio

The matching products for your application design

With our EMC product portfolio, we offer solutions for all aspects of the application. We offer ferrites for PCB assembly and cable assembly, current-compensated chokes, ESD and overvoltage protection as well as EMC shielding material and interference suppression capacitors. We also support application design with our design kits, Alpha-Rack modules, filter evaluation boards and filter bags.

Labor Löten

Design Tools for Developers

Helpful tools and simulations

Design Tools for Developers

Helpful tools and simulations

EMC-compliant application design can be time-consuming and complicated. With REDEXPERT, we offer many options for simulation, filter evaluation boards for testing different EMC filters and a large selection of design kits for fast prototyping. 

Man sits at PC and has REDEXPERT open on screen

Personal Design Support

Support from prototype to production

Personal Design Support

Support from prototype to production

In unserem Supportbereich finden Sie alle wichtigen Informationen zu unseren Dienstleistungen, die Sie bei Ihrer täglichen Arbeit unterstützen. Mit Hilfe unserer Tutorials, Nachschlagewerke und Anwendungshinweise erfahren Sie mehr über unsere verschiedenen Kontaktmöglichkeiten, Designtools und Ressourcen zur Weiterbildung. Außerdem erfahren Sie alles über die Bestell- und Logistikprozesse und haben die Möglichkeit, von unserem weltweiten Netzwerk zu profitieren.

EMV Labor Messgerät


  • Alle anzeigen
  • Ferrite
  • Stromkombensierte Drosseln
  • ESD-Schutz
  • Überspannungsschutz
  • EMV Abschirmmaterial
  • Entstörkondensatoren

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