EDI - Electronic Data Interchange

EDI for Würth Elektronik Partner

An EDI interface stands for “Electronic Data Interchange” and refers to the electronic exchange of structured data between different systems. It makes it possible to exchange business documents such as orders, invoices or delivery bills in an automated and standardized way, without manual intervention or paper documents.

We at Würth Elektronik offer...

The advantages of EDI

Efficient and fast Error reduction Data security Time & costs Collaboration

Fast and automated data transfer

Reduction of manual processes and associated errors

Increasing security between business partners

Automate business processes to save time and money

Smooth and effective cooperation with suppliers and partners

Two-color icon with dark gray stopwatch and pointer and stopper in red symbolic of save costs and time
Two-color icon with a letter in an envelope in dark grey and a red tick symbolizing order confirmation
Two color icon with shield and person in it in dark gray and a red hook in circle symbolic of data protection
Two-color icon with a stack of coins in dark grey and a red coin symbolizing costs and sales
Two color icon with two people and speech bubbles in red and dark gray symbolic for advice

News formats and framework conditions

Here you can find all technical information concerning our EDI system.


ORDERS 850 x x
ORDRSP 855 x x
ORDCHG 860 x x
DELFOR 862 x x
DESADV 856 x x
INVOIC 857 x x
INVRPT 846 x x
REQOTE 840 x x
QUOTES 843 x x

Connection parameters (and certificates):

  • OFTP 2 (with certificate):
  • AS2 (with certificate)
  • HTML
  • (S)FTP

Stay Ahead. Connect via API.

Stay Ahead. Connect via API.

Use our API service for the area components and save valuable time by automating data queries. With our customized API interfaces, you no longer have to search for or request information about our products; instead, it is displayed directly and always up-to-date in your own ERP system.