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Cross Reference Search for Components

We Convert your Components

Find the Appropriate Würth Elektronik Component

There are many manufacturers of electronic and electromechanical components on the market and it is often difficult to keep track of them all. Changing market conditions, discontinuations or the search for a second source require extensive product research. When developing an electronics project, it is important to thoroughly research the specifications, price and availability of each part before deciding on one.

We can assist you in finding your suitable component from Würth Elektronik. Simply fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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Whether in person, via contact form or telephone. Our technical specialists are at your side with advice and support for your questions and projects.

Product Selection Tools

The Fast Way to Your Desired Component

IC Reference Design Search

Use the reference design search to find the Würth Elektronik components recommended by the IC manufacturer for fast and reliable development of your product!

Applications & Industries Guide

Find the right components for your application as well as useful tips on EMC and layout with the Würth Elektronik application guide. With free samples of the components you need, you can test your circuit quickly and easily.

Cross-reference Search

With our cross-reference search, we help you quickly find out which components from other manufacturers can be replaced by Würth Elektronik components.

One Click Selection Guide

One look - one click: the overview for all electronic and electromechanical components