Carlos Roberto Hernández Gómez  -
Carlos Roberto Hernández Gómez
Light & Irradation
22. February 2024
Reading time: 10 Min.

Understanding parameters in ICLED datasheets

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ICLEDs, also referred to as addressable LEDs or smart LEDs, are light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that incorporate an integrated circuit (IC) within their design. This device, by means of pulse width modulation (PWM), enables individual control of the red, green, and blue chips in the package. Thus, granting fine and precise control for color mixing solutions.

The datasheet of an ICLED describes and summarizes the performance and technical characteristics of the products. As the ICLED differs from an “analog” LED, a new datasheet from Würth Elektronik with drawing specifications and performance graphs is introduced into the market. In addition to the information stated in the datasheet, Würth Elektronik provides this application note as a guideline on how to effectively read an ICLED datasheet from WE.



  • Introduction to ICLED
  • Optical Properties
  • Electrical Properties
  • Performance curves
  • Packaging specifications


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Carlos Roberto Hernández Gómez