Webinar Recording

MagI³C MicroModules with Adaptive Switching – All-in-one Solution for the Industrial Sector

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Speaker: Timur Uludag | Duration: appax. 45 min incl. Q&A Warehouses with multi-faceted conveyor systems provides a prime example of an industrial environment where there are numerous electronic applications and rail voltages. Sensors, actuators and control units are just some examples of the countless applications that are implemented in industrial warehouses. Each of these applications has its own requirements in terms of supply voltage, current and installation volume. All the applications have one thing in common: they have to be realized in a confined space. Tight space, by definition, requires tiny DC/DC converters which have excellent efficiency and thermal performance. This webinar explores the electrical, thermal and EMI needs of these applications and shows solutions to find the best DC/DC converters to overcome these obstacles.


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