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Everything you need to know about Components
Whether inductive components or electromechanical connection elements - our wide range of technical books offers you well-founded knowledge in a wide variety of areas. Starting with mathematical basics to the respective product areas, coming to special knowledge up to practical application examples including measurements, with our books you always have an aid at hand.
The most common questions are covered, such as:
Feel free to click through our readings and order your issues today, have fun!
Basic Principles, Components and Applications
Basic Principles, Components and Applications
This reference book brings the knowledge about EMC shielding and shielding materials with their properties and characterizations to the point.
Based on various applications, users are given practical advice to successfully use shielding in the application.
SMPS topologies from an EMC point of view
SMPS topologies from an EMC point of view
Our DC/DC converter manual is a compact reference work which, in combination with our free REDEXPERT simulation software, provides a working solution in a short space of time.
The most common switching network topologies used in practice are covered, with a particular focus on EMC.
Design guide for EMI filter design, switched mode power supplies & RF circuits
5th edition, English
Basic principles and connector design explanations
4th extended and revised edition, English
Basic principles, WPT systems and applications
2nd edition, English
Basic principles, characteristics and capacitor types
1st edition, English
Functionality, structure and handling of a power modules
1st edition, English
Simulator Commands and Applications
1st edition, English