IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Analog Devices ADP1877

Dual Output Synchronous Buck PWM Controller


Eingangsspannung10-14 V
Schaltfrequenz200-1500 kHz
Ausgang 15 V / 5 A


The ADP1877 is a Flex-Mode™ (proprietary architecture of Analog Devices, Inc.), dual-channel, step-down switching controller with integrated drivers that drive N-channel synchronous power MOSFETs. The two PWM outputs are phase shifted 180°, which reduces the input RMS current, thus minimizing required input capacitance.

The boost diodes are built into the ADP1877, thus lowering the overall system cost and component count. The ADP1877 can be set to operate in pulse skip high efficiency mode under light load or in PWM continuous conduction mode.

The ADP1877 includes externally adjustable soft start, output overvoltage protection, externally adjustable current limit, power good, and a programmable oscillator frequency that ranges from 200 kHz to 1.5 MHz. The ADP1877 provides an output voltage accuracy of ±0.85% from −40°C to +85°C and ±1.5% from −40°C to 125°C in junction temperature. This part can be powered from a 2.75 V to 14.5 V supply, operates over the −40oC to +125oC junction temperature range, and is availa-ble in a 32-lead 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP package.


  • Input voltage range: 2.75 V to 14.5 V
  • Output voltage range: 0.6 V to 90% VIN
  • Maximum output current greater than 25 A per channel
  • Programmable frequency: 200 kHz to 1.5 MHz
  • Flex-Mode architecture with integrated drivers
  • 180° phase shift minimizes input ripple current and required input capacitance
  • ±0.85% output voltage accuracy −40°C to +85°C
  • Integrated boost diodes
  • Pulse skip high efficiency mode under light load
  • Power good with internal pull-up resistor
  • Overvoltage and overcurrent limit protection
  • Thermal overload protection
  • Input undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
  • Externally adjustable soft start, slope compensation and current sense gain
  • Independent precision enable inputs
  • Synchronization input
  • Suitable for any output capacitors
  • Available in 32-lead 5 mm × 5 mm LFCSP

Typische Anwendungen

  • Printers
  • Communication infrastructure
  • Distributor power dc systems
  • Industrial and instrumentation
  • Set top boxes

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8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-HCI SMT-Hochstrominduktivität 2 8.7 3 9 14.2 58 Superflux
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