IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (97)

Analog Devices LT3652HV

Power Tracking 2A Battery Charger


Eingangsspannung40 V
Ausgang 112 V


The LT®3652HV is a complete monolithic step-down battery charger that operates over a 4.95V to 34V input range. The LT3652HV provides a constant-current/constant-voltage charge characteristic, with maximum charge current externally programmable up to 2A. The charger employsa 3.3V float voltage feedback reference, so any desired battery float voltage up to 18V can be programmed with a resistor divider.

The LT3652HV employs an input voltage regulation loop, which reduces charge current if the input voltage falls below a programmed level, set with a resistor divider. When the LT3652HV is powered by a solar panel, the input regulation loop is used to maintain the panel at peak output power.

The LT3652HV can be configured to terminate charging when charge current falls below 1/10 of the programmed maximum (C/10). Once charging is terminated, the LT3652HV enters a low-current (85μA) standby mode. An auto-recharge feature starts a new charging cycle if the battery voltage falls 2.5% below the programmed float voltage. The LT3652HV also contains a programmable safety timer, used to terminate charging after a desired time is reached. This allows top-off charging at currents less than C/10.


  • Input Supply Voltage Regulation Loop for Peak Power Tracking in (MPPT) Solar Applications
  • Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.95V to 34V (40V Abs Max)
  • Programmable Charge Rate Up to 2A
  • User Selectable Termination: C/10 or On-Board Termination Timer
  • Resistor Programmable Float Voltage Up to 18V Accommodates 4-Cell Li-Ion/Polymer, 5-CellLiFePO4, Lead-Acid Chemistries
  • Parallelable for Higher Output Current
  • 1MHz Fixed Frequency
  • 0.5% Float Voltage Reference Accuracy
  • 5% Charge Current Accuracy
  • 2.5% C/10 Detection Accuracy
  • Binary-Coded Open-Collector Status Pins

Typische Anwendungen

  • 12V to 24V Automotive Systems
  • Portable Handheld Instruments
  • Remote Monitoring Stations
  • Solar Powered Applications
  • Battery Charging from Current Limited Adapter

Weiterführende Informationen


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