IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (96)

Analog Devices LT3746EUHH | Demoboard DC1406A

LT3746EUHH Demo Board | 32-Channel 20mA LED Driver (x3 for RGB), 9V ≤ VIN ≤ 40V, VLED up to 4.2V @ 20mA


Eingangsspannung9-40 V
Ausgang 14.2 V
Ausgang 23 V


Demonstration circuit 1406A features the LT®3746, 32-channel 20mA LED driver with buck controller and serial interface. Each channel has an individually adjustable 12-bit (4096-step) grayscale PWM dimming control and a 6-bit (64-step) dot correction current adjustment. Both dimming control and current adjustment are accessible via a 30MHz cascadable serial data interface. Individual open/short LED and overtemperature flags are sent back during status read-back.

Three LT3746’s are connected in series to control 32 RGB LEDs stuffed on the demo board. Each IC drives a separate color. The evaluation software installed in a host computer communicates with the DC1406A via the interface board DC590B, an USB serial controller.

The LT3746 data sheet gives a complete description of the part, its operation and application information. The datasheet must be read in conjunction with this quick start guide for working on or modifying the demo circuit 1406A.

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9 Dateien WE-PD SMT-Speicherdrossel 15 2.25 1.75 130 26 7332 Standard
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation

Anstehende PCN

Aufgrund einer anstehenden PCN wird in Kürze eine Änderung am Bauteil durchgeführt. Anbei finden Sie die entsprechende PCN. Bei weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Vertriebsmitarbeiter.

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