IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (97)

Analog Devices LTC3777 | Demoboard DC2519A

High Voltage, High Efficiency 48V/10A Synchronous Buck-Boost Converter


TopologieAbwärts- und Aufwärtswandler
Eingangsspannung16-120 V
Schaltfrequenz50-600 kHz
Ausgang 1120 V / 10 A


Demonstration circuit 2519A is a high voltage, high efficiencysynchronous buck-boost DC/DC converter witha 16V to 120V input voltage range. It can supply a 10Amaximum load current with a 48V output. The demoboard features the LTC®3777EFE controller. The constantfrequency current mode architecture allows a phase-lockablefrequency of up to 600kHz, while an optional outputcurrent feedback loop provides support for applicationssuch as battery charging. The 150V integrated switchingbias supply is a high efficiency step-down regulator thatdraws only 12μA typical DC supply current with a regulatedoutput voltage at no load. With a wide input range,wide output range and seamless transfers between operationmodes, the LTC3777 is ideal for Industrial, Automotive,Medical, Military and Avionics applications. The light load operation mode of the converter is determinedwith the MODE pin. Use JP2 jumper to select pulseskippingmode or forced continuous mode (CCM) operation.The switching frequency is pre-set at about 200kHz.The converter can also be externally synchronized to anexternal clock through the PLLIN pin (PLLIN terminal onthe board). To shut down the converter, force the RUN pinbelow 1.2V (SW1: OFF). The power good output (PGOODterminal) is low when the output voltage is outside of the±10% regulation window.


  • 4-Switch Current Mode Single Inductor - Architecture Allows VIN Above, Below or Equal to VOUT
  • Wide VIN Range: 4.5V to 150V
  • Wide Output Voltage Range: 1.2V ≤ VOUT ≤ 150V
  • Synchronous Rectification: Up to 99% Efficiency
  • ±1% 1.2V Voltage Reference
  • Input or Output Average Current Limit
  • Integrated 12μA IQ, 150V, 85mA, Switching Bias for Optimal Thermal Performance
  • Programmable 6V to 10V DRVCC Optimizes Efficiency
  • No Top FET Refresh Noise in Boost or Buck Mode
  • VOUT Disconnected from VIN During Shutdown
  • Phase-Lockable Fixed Frequency (50kHz to 600kHz)
  • No Reverse Current During Start-Up
  • 150V Rated RUN Pin with Accurate Turn-On Threshold
  • Thermally Enhanced 48-Lead e-LQFP Package

Typische Anwendungen

  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Transportation

Weiterführende Informationen


Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
RDC max.
Pins (Value)H
Verpackung Muster
8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-HCF SMT-Hochstrominduktivität 15 34.95 22 26 2.64 11 2 18.5 35
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 2 Jumper 3 Beutel
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
RDC max.
Pins (Value)H
Verpackung Muster