Topologie | Abwärtswandler |
Eingangsspannung | 4.5-14 V |
Schaltfrequenz | 400 kHz |
Ausgang 1 | 1 V / 160 A |
IC-Revision | A |
Demonstration circuit 2225A is a high efficiency, highdensity, 4-phase synchronous buck converter with a 4.5Vto 14V input voltage range. It can supply up to 160A ofload current with a 1.0V output. This demo board has twoeach LTC®3875EUJ feature-rich dual phase current modesynchronous buck controllers with very low DCR currentsensing capability, on-chip drivers and remote outputvoltage sensing. This board is set up with 0.32mΩ DCRoutput inductors. The temperature compensation functionoffers an option for accurate current limit over a widetemperature range with DCR sensing. To shut down theconverter, set the RUN pin voltage below 1V (SW1: OFF).Use JP1 jumper to select Burst Mode® operation, pulseskipping mode or forced continuous mode operation atlight load. Switching frequency is preset at about 400kHz,L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo and Burst Mode are registered trademarksof Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.Performance Summaryand it can be easily modified from 250kHz to 720kHz. Anon-board dynamic circuit is also available for transient test.The LTC3875 is suitable for inputs from 4.5V to 38V andoutputs up to 5V. It can provide a high efficiency, highpower density and versatile power solution for telecomand datacom systems, industrial and medical instruments,DC power distribution systems and computer systems.The LTC3875 is available in 40-lead 6mm × 6mm and40-lead 5mm × 5mm QFN packages. Please see LTC3875data sheet for more detailed information.
Artikel Nr. | Datenblatt | Simulation | Downloads | Status | Produktserie | L (nH) | LR (nH) | IR (A) | ISAT1 (A) | ISAT,30% (A) | RDC (mΩ) | fres (MHz) | Material | Muster | |
![]() | 744301025 | SPEC | 8 Dateien | Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre. | WE-HCM SMT-Hochstrominduktivität | 250 | 250 | 38 | 54.4 | 64.7 | 0.32 | 33 | MnZn |
Muster |
Artikel Nr. | Datenblatt | Simulation | Downloads | Status | Produktserie | L (nH) | LR (nH) | IR (A) | ISAT1 (A) | ISAT,30% (A) | RDC (mΩ) | fres (MHz) | Material | Muster |