IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (97)

Analog Devices LTC7802

40V Low IQ, 3MHz Dual, 2-Phase Synchronous Step-Down Controller with Spread Spectrum


Eingangsspannung4.5-38 V
Schaltfrequenz100-3000 kHz
Ausgang 12.5 V / 10 A
Ausgang 21 V / 20 A


The LTC®7802 is a high performance dual step-down synchronous DC/DC switching regulator controller that drives all N-channel power MOSFET stages. Constant fre¬quency current mode architecture allows a phase-lockable switching frequency of up to 3MHz. The LTC7802 oper¬ates from a wide 4.5V to 40V input supply range. Power loss and supply noise are minimized by operating the two controller output stages out-of-phase. The very low no-load quiescent current extends oper¬ating runtime in battery powered systems. OPTI-LOOP compensation allows the transient response to be opti¬mized over a wide range of output capacitance and ESR values. The LTC7802 features a precision 0.8V reference and power good output indicators. The MODE pin selects among Burst Mode operation, pulse-skipping mode, or continuous inductor current mode at light loads.


  • Wide Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 40V
  • Wide Output Voltage Range: 0.8V to 99% - VIN
  • Low Operating IQ: 14μA (14V to 3.3V, Channel 1 On)
  • Spread Spectrum Operation
  • RSENSE or DCR Current Sensing
  • Out-of-Phase Controllers Reduce Required Input Capacitance and Power Supply Induced Noise
  • Programmable Fixed Frequency (100kHz to 3MHz)
  • Phase-Lockable Frequency (100kHz to 3MHz)
  • Selectable Continuous, Pulse-Skipping, or Low Ripple, Burst Mode® Operation at Light Loads
  • Very Low Dropout Operation: 99% Duty Cycle
  • Power Good Output Voltage Monitors
  • Output Overvoltage Protection
  • Internal LDO Powers Gate Drive from VIN or EXTVCC
  • Low Shutdown IQ: 1.5μA
  • Small 28-Lead 4mm × 5mm QFN Package

Typische Anwendungen

  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Industrial
  • Military/Avionics

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