IC-Hersteller Cambridge GaN Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Cambridge GaN Devices CGD65B130S2 | Demoboard CGD-ASYEVB01101-01 / CGD-UG2202

650 V / 130 mOhm GaN HEMT with ICeGaN™ Gate and Current Sense


TopologieGegentaktwandler (Halbbrücken)
Eingangsspannung0-18 V
Ausgang 1650 V


The Half Bridge Evaluation Board allows ICeGaN variants to be used with a readily available silicon MOSFET driver, demonstrating state of the art performance combined with easy implementation of ICeGaN into an existing design.This evaluation board is available in a number of variants with matched high side & low side devices, with either 55mΩ, 130mΩ 5x6, 130mΩ 8x8, 200mΩ 5x6 or 240mΩ 5x6 650 V GaN HEMTs and variable gate drive voltage from 9 V to 20 V.All board functionality is identical for all variants.


2 x 650 V CGD Enhancement Mode GaN HEMTs with ICeGaN™ Gate

  • 2 x Silicon Labs SI8271AB-IS Isolated Gate Driver (1 per side), adjustable drive amplitude 9-20 V

Typische Anwendungen

  • PSUs, Industrial SMPS and inverters
  • LED lighting
  • Gaming PSUs, PC power

Weiterführende Informationen


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Verpackung Muster
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.54 mm SMT Dual Pin Header 4 Dual Pin Header Gerade 3 Tube
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