IC-Hersteller Infineon Technologies

IC-Hersteller (98)

Infineon Technologies CY8CLEDAC02

A55 Highline 12 W Dimmable LED Driver Reference Design Guide


Eingangsspannung207-253 V
Ausgang 127 V / 350 A


This document describes a highline 12 W dimmable LED driver reference design using the CY8CLEDAC02 AC-DC power controller device. This design is capable of driving a string of LEDs with a typical forward voltage of 27 V at 350 mA. The CY8CLEDAC02 is a high-performance offline LED driver, designed to interface directly with most conventional phase-cut based wall dimmers. The device uses proprietary digital control technology to provide automatic detection of dimmer type (leading or trailing edge). It automatically generates dimming signals for LED loads and has the ability to dim down to 2 percent.This document has the following sections:Design Procedure: Provides the procedure and basic guidelines to calculate and select key components.Design Measurements: Describes voltage and current characteristics and electrical performance metrics for the reference design.EMI Compliance: Provides results for conducted emissions testing.


Remarks:L1=L2=4.7mH,L3=5mH.refer pageno.16

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