IC-Hersteller Infineon Technologies

IC-Hersteller (98)

Infineon Technologies IRS2982S | Demoboard IRXLED06

Triac Dimmable non-isolated Flyback converter using the IRS2982S controller


Eingangsspannung100-132 V
Ausgang 148 V / 0.6 A


The IRS2982S is a versatile SMPS controller IC primarily intended for LED drivers in the 5 to 100 W power ranges suitable for Buck, Buck-Boost and Flyback converters operating in critical conduction mode (CrCM) and discontinuous mode (DCM) at light loads. Flyback converters will be covered in this application note focusing on an isolated voltage regulated design with PFC.All of the control and protection required for the converter is integrated in the IRS2982S as well as a high voltage start-up cell to enable rapid illumination at switch on over a wide line input voltage range. The IRS2982S is also able to provide power factor correction in a single stage Flyback converter able to meet class C (lighting) line current harmonic limits of the EN61000-3-2 standard.A 55W isolated voltage regulated PFC Flyback evaluation board based on the IRS2982S controller is described in detail in this application note and detailed test results are presented.


  • AC Input voltage 100 VAC up to 132 VAC (55 to 65 Hz)
  • Output voltage 24 to 48 VDC
  • Maximum output continuous power 24 W
  • PF >0.95 at maximum load and 120 VAC input voltage
  • THD <10% at maximum load and with 120 VAC input voltage
  • Efficiency >80% at maximum load at 120 VAC input voltage.
  • Startup time to reach the secondary nominal output voltage during full load condition and 120 VAC input voltage <300 ms with no dimmer connected.

Protection features

  • Primary output over-voltage protection @ VOUT <= 50 VDC
  • Cycle by cycle primary over-current protection

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4 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre. Flyback Transformer
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
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