IC-Hersteller Infineon Technologies

IC-Hersteller (98)

Infineon Technologies TLD5190QV | Demoboard TLD5190IVREG-EVAL

User Manual Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document Rev.1.00 www.infineon.com page 1 of 12 2020-07-22 TLD5190IVREG-EVAL evaluation board


TopologieAbwärts- und Aufwärtswandler
Eingangsspannung5.5-35 V
Ausgang 141.8 V / 1.5 A
Ausgang 222.5 V / 6 A


The H-Bridge architecture is among the most efficient buck-boost topologies for high current applications. The TLD5190 provides digital and analog dimming control and 2 flags for diagnostic.The TLD5190IVREG-EVAL is an evaluation platform for the TLD5190QV as LED driver or voltage regulator.The default configuration is constant current LED driver with 1.5 A maximum output current. The output current can be increased up to 6 A by changing RSHO. If higher currents are needed, the output filter has to be bypassed.


  • MOSFET H-Bridge with Single Inductor DC-DC Controller for high power BUCK-BOOST LED control
  • Constant Current and Constant Voltage Regulation
  • Wide VIN Range (Device 4.5V to 40V, Power Stage 4.5V to 55V)
  • Wide LED forward voltage Range (2V up to 55V)
  • LED current accuracy+/-3% at Tj=25° and 4% over the whole automotive temperature range
  • Switching Frequency Range from 200 kHz to 700 kHz
  • Maximum Efficiency in every condition (up to 96%)
  • Flexible current sense (Highside or Lowside)
  • EMC optimized device: Features an auto Spread Spectrum concept to ensure best in class EMC performance
  • Open Load, Overvoltages, Shorted LED fault and Overtemperature Diagnostic Outputs
  • LED and Input current sense with dedicated monitor Outputs
  • Smart power protection features for device and load (open load, short of Load, Overtemperature)
  • Capability to supply Gate Drivers via external Voltage Regulator
  • Adjustable Soft Start
  • Enhanced Dimming features to adjust average LED current and PWM dimming
  • Available in a small thermally enhanced VQFN-48-31 package
  • Automotive AEC Qualified

Typische Anwendungen

  • driving high power LEDs in automotive applications, USB, mobile wireless charger and multipurpose pre-regulation like for infotainment

Weiterführende Informationen


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7 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 470 Blau 465 145 3.2 InGaN 140
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