The SOCRATES-4e/2e/1e are the members of Lantiq‘s 3rd generation SOCRATES™-family of SHDSL transceivers designed for EFM-(Ethernet First Mile) system applications.Featuring single, dual or four channel variants, the SOCRATES-e family of single-chip solutions is fully compliant with standards of ETSI (SHDSL, SHDSL.bis), ITU (G.shdsl, G.shdls.bis, G.hs, g.998.2/ and IEEE (EFM).
Advanced system functionality and outstanding performance as well as optimized board-space and power-saving features provide market unique advantages for system solutions required by carriers and subscribers. Seamless compatibility to Lantiq‘s already deployed SHDSL solutions aswell as the compatibility between all family members ensure simple integration with current as well as future market requirements.