Topologie | SEPIC Buck-Boost Topologie |
Eingangsspannung | 6-20 V |
Ausgang 1 | 45 V / 0.33 A |
IC-Revision | 4 |
This application note describes a circuit developed asan LED driver solution for automotive applications. Theflexible control capabilities of Microchip’s PIC16F17698-bit microcontroller allow the LED driver to maintainconstant LED current, provide enhanced dimmingperformance, increase the lifespan of the LEDs andadd safety features.The use of the core independent peripherals (CIP) ofthe PIC16F1769 permits the LED driver’s power train tooperate in a Fixed-Frequency Continuous Conductionmode and regulate the LED current using Peak Currentmode control
Fully-Compensated High Bandwidth Peak CurrentControl
Artikel Nr. | Datenblatt | Simulation | Downloads | Status | Produktserie | L (µH) | IR (A) | ISAT (A) | RDC max. (Ω) | fres (MHz) | Muster | |
![]() | 744773014 | SPEC | 8 Dateien | Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre. | WE-PD2 SMT-Speicherdrossel | 1.4 | 3.4 | 5.04 | 0.056 | 103 |
Muster |
Artikel Nr. | Datenblatt | Simulation | Downloads | Status | Produktserie | L (µH) | IR (A) | ISAT (A) | RDC max. (Ω) | fres (MHz) | Muster |