IC-Hersteller Monolithic Power Systems

IC-Hersteller (98)

Monolithic Power Systems MP2658 | Demoboard EV2658-Q-00A

36V, Switching Charger for Battery Pack with Battery Regulation Voltage from 2V to 31V Evaluation Board


TopologieAbwärts- und Aufwärtswandler
Eingangsspannung4.5-36 V


The EV2658-Q-00A is an evaluation board designed to demonstrate the capabilities of the MP2658, a highly integrated switching charger designed for portable devices with different battery chemistries. The MP2658 supports up to 7-cell series Li-ion, Li-polymer, and LiFePO4 battery packs. It also supports lead-acid, super capacitor, NiMH, and NiCd battery packs from 2V to 31V. The device achieves up to 3A of charge current with any battery regulation voltage (VBATT_REG).The MP2658 operates under a maximum 36V DC input voltage and hold-off voltage up to 45V. When an input power supply is present, the MP2658 generally charges the battery with four phases: trickle charge, pre-charge, constant-current charge, and constant-voltage charge.The MP2658 can be configured to different pre-charge to fast charge thresholds and different charge termination modes via the external pins. This allows the device to support super capacitor charging, as well as different types of battery charging.Power management is based on the input current (IIN) and input voltage (VIN). If IIN exceeds the preset IIN limit, or VIN drops to the preset VIN limit, the MP2658 automatically decreases the charge current to protect the input power supply from overload conditions.To guarantee safe operation, the MP2658 offers robust protection features such as battery over-voltage protection (OVP), battery temperature sensing and protection, thermal shutdown, and a charging safety timer.The MP2658 is available in a QFN-19 (3mmx3mm) package.


To guarantee safe operation, the MP2658offers robust protection features such as batteryover-voltage protection (OVP), batterytemperature sensing and protection, thermalshutdown, and a charging safety timer.

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8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-TPC SMT-Speicherdrossel 10 3.9 4 20 SMT
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