IC-Hersteller Power Integrations

IC-Hersteller (97)

Power Integrations INN4373F-H341 | Demoboard RDR--942

Reference Design Report for a 65 W USB PD 3.0 Power Supply with 3.3 V – 21 V / 3 A PPS Output Using InnoSwitchTM4-Pro PowiGaNTM INN4373F-H341, ClampZeroTM CPZ1075M and Injoinic IP2726S Controller


Eingangsspannung90-265 V
Ausgang 121 V / 3 A
Ausgang 29 V / 3 A
Ausgang 315 V / 3 A
Ausgang 45 V / 3 A
Ausgang 512 V / 3 A
Ausgang 620 V / 3.25 A


This engineering report describes a 65 W USB PD 3.0 power supply using InnoSwitch4-Pro INN4373F-H341 and ClampZero CPZ1075M. The USB PD controller is an Injoinic IP2726S, and the USB PD source capabilities of the power supply are listed below. -PDO1: 5 V / 3 A (Fixed Supply) • PDO2: 9 V / 3 A (Fixed Supply) -PDO3: 12 V / 3 A (Fixed Supply) -PDO4: 15 V / 3 A (Fixed Supply) -PDO5: 20 V / 3.25 A (Fixed Supply) -PDO6: 3.3 V – 21 V / 3 A (Programmable Power Supply)


  • InnoSwitch4-Pro: Digitally Controllable Off-line CV/CC ZVS Flyback Integrated Switcher IC with 750V PowiGaN, Active Clamp Drive and Synchronous Rectification o Comprehensive protection features with telemetry for power supply status and fault monitoring
  • Meets DOE6 and CoC v5 2016 Average Efficiency requirements with at least 3.0% pass margin o 5 V Output: 91.35% at 115 VAC (9.52% margin); 90.18% at 230 VAC (8.34% margin) o 9 V Output: 92.18% at 115 VAC (4.88% margin); 92.17% at 230 VAC (4.88% margin) o 12 V Output: 92.29% at 115 VAC (3.99% margin); 92.71% at 230 VAC (4.41% margin) o 15 V Output: 92.32% at 115 VAC (3.47% margin); 93.07% at 230 VAC (4.22% margin) o 20 V Output: 92.37% at 115 VAC (3.37% margin); 93.43% at 230 VAC (4.43% margin)
  • Meets CoC v5 2016 10% Load Efficiency requirements with high margin (>7.01%) for all PDOs
  • <25 mW no-load input power at 230 VAC
  • Meets CISPR22 / EN55022 Class B conducted EMI with high margin o >6dB margin at worst case condition (15 V / 3 A, 230 VAC)
  • High power density: 15.2 W / inch3 without enclosure (2.44” x 2.1” x 0.83” form factor)
  • Low component count: 78 total

Typische Anwendungen

  • USB PD / PPS Power Adapter

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