IC-Hersteller STMicroelectronics

IC-Hersteller (97)

STMicroelectronics STLUX385A | Demoboard STEVAL-ILL068V1

STLUX385A product evaluation board


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The STEVAL-ILL068V1 helps designers tofamiliarize themselves with the STLUX385Adevice and the innovative SMED (state machine,event driven) functionality.A convenient GUI helps to quickly generate theSMED configuration appropriate for the desiredapplication. The external pins make it easy toinsert SMED events and capture the SMEDcontrolledPWM clock. Alternatively, theapplication circuit can be driven directly from theproduct evaluation board.A dedicated UART TTL to USB cable is availablefor communication with the STLUX385A. Thecable is used to connect the board to a PCrunning a terminal utility.Application-wise, the serial interface can be usedto extend the STLUX communication capabilitiesvia a Bluetooth®, Wi-Fi or powerline modem.The STEVAL-ILL068V1 can be powered up inthree different ways: using an external powersupply, via the USB TTL cable or via the SWIMinterface.The board features several free footprint areas,ideal for connecting power drivers or amplifiers.An additional free PCB footprint allows the user toconnect a quartz clock, which can be used inplace of the STLUX385A internal clocks.


 All STLUX385A pins available on connectors

  • Convenient tool for testing SMEDs
  • USB, external or SWIM power supply
  • Four SOT23-6 footprint areas
  • One SO8 footprint area available
  • One external clock (HSE) footprint area
  • Reset button
  • Serial USB TTL cable available
  • RoHS compliant

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Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieZ @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR 2
RDC max.
Typ Muster
9 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-CBF SMT-Ferrit 120 200 510 MHz 1350 0.3 Breitband
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieZ @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR 2
RDC max.
Typ Muster