IC-Hersteller Texas Instruments

IC-Hersteller (97)

Texas Instruments LM5165-Q1

LM5165-Q1 3-V to 65-V Input, 150-mA Synchronous Buck Converter with Ultra-Low IQ


Eingangsspannung5-65 V
Schaltfrequenz600 kHz
Ausgang 15 V / 0.15 A


The LM5165-Q1 is a compact, easy-to-use, 3-V to65-V, ultra-low IQ synchronous buck converter withhigh efficiency over wide input voltage and loadcurrent ranges. With integrated high-side and lowsidepower MOSFETs, up to 150-mA of outputcurrent can be delivered at fixed output voltages of3.3 V or 5 V, or an adjustable output. The converter isdesigned to simplify implementation while providingoptions to optimize the performance the targetapplication. Pulse Frequency Modulation (PFM) modeis selected for optimal light-load efficiency orConstant On-Time (COT) control for nearly constantoperating frequency. Both control schemes do notrequire loop compensation while providing excellentline and load transient response and short PWM ontimefor large step-down conversion ratios.The high-side p-channel MOSFET can operate at100% duty cycle for lowest dropout voltage and doesnot require a bootstrap capacitor for gate drive. Also,the current limit setpoint is adjustable to optimizeinductor selection for a particular output currentrequirement. Selectable/adjustable startup timingoptions include minimum delay (no soft start),internally fixed (900 μs), and externally programmablesoft start via an external capacitor. An open-drainPGOOD indicator can be used for sequencing andoutput voltage monitoring. The LM5165-Q1 isqualified to automotive AEC-Q100 grade 1 and isavailable in a VSON-10 package with 0.5-mm pinpitch.


1- Qualified for Automotive Applications

  • AEC-Q100 Qualified with the Following Results:– Device Temperature Grade 1: –40ºC to 125ºCAmbient Temperature Range– Device HBM ESD Classification Level 2– Device CDM ESD Classification Level C5
  • Wide Input Voltage Range of 3 V to 65 V
  • Fixed (3.3 V, 5 V) or Adjustable Output Voltages
  • Maximum Output Current as High as 150 mA
  • 10.5-μA No Load Quiescent Current
  • –40°C to 150°C Junction Temperature Range
  • Selectable PFM or COT Mode Operation
  • Switching Frequency as High as 600 kHz
  • Integrated 2-Ω PMOS Buck Switch– Supports 100% Duty Cycle for Low Dropout
  • Integrated 1-Ω NMOS Synchronous Rectifier– Eliminates External Rectifier Diode
  • Programmable Current Limit Setpoint (4 Levels)
  • 900-μs Internal or Programmable Soft Start
  • Monotonic Startup into Pre-Biased Output
  • No Loop Compensation or Bootstrap Components
  • Precision Enable/Input UVLO with Hysteresis
  • Open-Drain Power Good Indicator
  • Active Slew Rate Control for Low EMI
  • Thermal Shutdown Protection with Hysteresis
  • 10-Lead, 3-mm x 3-mm VSON Package

Typische Anwendungen

  • Automotive and Battery-powered Equipment
  • High-voltage LDO Replacement
  • General Purpose Bias Supplies

Weiterführende Informationen


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8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-TPC SMT-Speicherdrossel 220 0.3 0.29 6 SMT
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