IC-Hersteller Texas Instruments

IC-Hersteller (98)

Texas Instruments PMP23227 | Demoboard PMP23227

Power delivery reference design for AMD Versal™ Edge AI series


Eingangsspannung9-18 V
Ausgang 11.5 V / 3 A
Ausgang 21.5 V / 0.05 A
Ausgang 30.8 V / 39 A
Ausgang 40.88 V / 0.7 A
Ausgang 51.2 V / 1.3 A
Ausgang 61.5 V / 1.1 A


This reference design demonstrates how the required power rails for the VE2302 device can be powered by TI's regulator ICs. AMD’s Minimum Rails power consolidation of supplies. See AMD’s Power Design Manager (PDM) tool, for all available power consolidation options. Use PDM when estimating power for any application. This reference design uses example power estimations. The design can also be used as a foundation for designing the power tree for other devices of the AI Edge series. The original power source for this system is typically between 8VIN to 18VIN and capable of delivering about 50W of power.


All necessary supply rails to support basic full-system functionality.
Front-end protection provides UVLO/OVLO, over-current, reverse polarity protections
5V Buck Pre-Regulator for lower current and balanced system efficiency
Voltage supervision options using integrated, programmable PMIC OR discrete dedicated voltage supervisor IC

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