IC-Hersteller Texas Instruments

IC-Hersteller (98)

Texas Instruments TPS562211

TPS562211 4.2-V to 18-V Input, 2-A Synchronous Buck Converter in SOT583 Package


Eingangsspannung4.2-18 V
Schaltfrequenz550-650 kHz
Ausgang 13.3 V / 2 A


The TPS562211 is a cost effective and highly flexible synchronous buck converter that provides selectable Eco-mode operation or FCCM (Force Continuous Conduction Mode) operation. Selectable Power-Good indicator or external Soft-Start is also configurable through the MODE pin. Power sequencing is possible by correctly configuring the Enable, Power-Good indicator or external Soft-Start. A wide input voltage range of 4.2 V to 18 V supports a wide variety of common input rails like 12 V and 15 V. It supports up to 2 A continuous output current at output voltages between 0.6 V and 7 V.The device provides fast transient response with true fixed switching frequency through the use of the Advanced Emulated Current Mode (AECM) control topology. With internal smart loop bandwidth control, the device provides fast transient response over a wide output voltage range without the need for external compensation.Cycle-by-cycle current limit on the high-side peak current protects the device in overload situations and is enhanced by a low-side valley current limit, which prevents current runaway. Hiccup mode would be triggered under overvoltage protection (OVP), undervoltage protection (UVP), UVLO protection and thermal shutdown.The device is available in 1.6-mm x 2.1-mm SOT583 package.


  • Input voltage: 4.2 V to 18 V
  • Output voltage: 0.6 V to 7 V-Up to 2-A continuous output current-Minimum switching on-time: 45-ns-Maximum duty cycle: 98%
  • High efficiency-Integrated 66-mΩ and 33-mΩ MOSFETs-Quiescent current 120-µA typical
  • Highly flexible and easy-to-use-Selectable Eco-mode or FCCM operation-Selectable power good indicator or external soft start-Precise enable input
  • High accuracy-Reference voltage accuracy: ±1% (25°C)-Switching frequency tolerance: ±8.5%
  • Small solution size-Internal compensation for ease of use-SOT583 package-Minimum external components
  • Cycle-by-cycle current limit for both high-side and low-side MOSFETs
  • Non-latched OVP, UVP, UVLO, and TSD protections
  • Create a custom design using TPS562211 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer

Typische Anwendungen

  • Wired networking, broadband
  • Set-top box (STB), digital TV, Smart speaker, Surveillance

Weiterführende Informationen


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8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-LHMI SMT Speicherdrossel 4.7 5.35 7.5 15.5 40 22 SMT
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