IC-Hersteller Texas Instruments

IC-Hersteller (97)

Texas Instruments TPS611781

TPS61178x 20-V, 10-A Fully-Integrated Synchronous Boost with Load Disconnect Control


Eingangsspannung6-14 V
Schaltfrequenz2200 kHz
Ausgang 116 V / 2 A


The TPS61178x family is a 20-V synchronous Boostconverter with the gate driver built-in for loaddisconnect. The TPS61178x integrates two low onresistancepower FETs: A 16-mΩ switching FET anda 16-mΩ rectifier FET.The TPS61178x uses the fixed frequency peakcurrent mode control with the slope compensationintegrated. At the light load, the TPS61178 enters intothe auto PFM mode while TPS611781 is in the forcedPWM mode.The TPS61178x could isolate the output from inputside when shutdown. Once the output is shorted, itenters into the hiccup mode to lower the thermalstress and can recover automatically after the shortreleases. Additionally, the TPS61178x also has OVPand thermal protection to avoid the fault operation.The TPS61178x is in a 3.0-mm x 3.5-mm 13-pinVQFN package with enhanced thermal dissipation.


1- Input Voltage Range: 2.7 V to 20 V

  • Output Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 20 V
  • Programmable Switch Peak Current: up to 10 A
  • Two 16-mΩ FETs Integrated
  • Efficiency up to 96%: VIN = 7.2 V, VOUT = 16 V,IOUT = 2 A
  • Adjustable Switching Frequency: up to 2.2 MHz
  • External Clock Synchronization: 200 kHz to 2.2MHz
  • Gate Driver for Load Disconnect
  • Hiccup Short Protection
  • Over Voltage Protection
  • Auto PFM Operation - TPS61178
  • Forced PWM Mode - TPS611781
  • 3.0-mm x 3.5-mm 13-pin VQFN Hotrod Package
  • Create a Custom Design Using the TPS61178With the WEBENCH® Power Designer

Typische Anwendungen

  • USB Type-C Power Delivery
  • Supply for the Motor Driver
  • Portable Speaker
  • Supply for the Power Amplifier
  • Source Driver of LCD Display

Weiterführende Informationen


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8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-HCI SMT-Hochstrominduktivität 1.8 22.1 7 18 3.5 70 Superflux
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