This evaluation module uses the UCC28730 Constant-Voltage, Constant-Current Flyback Controller withPSR and Wake-Up Monitoring with the UCC24650 200-V Wake-Up Monitor for Fast Transient PSR in a10-W converter to provide 2 A of constant charge current. The input accepts a voltage range of 85 VAC to265 VAC. The output is designed for 5 V when in constant voltage mode and will deliver 2 A of constantcurrent down to an output voltage of less than 2 V.Depending upon the operating conditions, the control law algorithm will modulate the switching frequencyor the peak primary current to satisfy the power transfer requirements. As the load is increased from zero,the converter will transition through a frequency modulation (FM) mode where the peak primary current isheld constant at one-third of its full-load peak value as the switching frequency increases from a minimumvalue to maintain energy transfer up to 28 kHz. When the load is increased to the level at which theswitching frequency reaches 28 kHz, the controller will keep the switching frequency fixed and modulatethe amplitude of peak primary current, increasing it from one-third its peak value up to its maximum fullload peak current value; this area of operation is referred to as the amplitude modulation (AM) range.Further increase in load demand will transition the controller into another frequency modulation modewhere the peak primary current is constant at its maximum designed value and the switching frequency isincreased, as needed, up to the controller’s maximum 83 kHz switching frequency.Using PSR, the output voltage is indirectly sensed on the auxiliary winding at the end of the transfer ofstored transformer energy to the secondary to maintain a tightly regulated output. The Wake-Upmonitoring feature operates in conjunction with the secondary-side UCC24650 to allow light-load and noloadswitching frequencies to approach 32 Hz, minimizing no-load power consumption to less than 5 mW,yet provide a fast dynamic response to load transients without requiring large output capacitance. Thecontroller will further enhance its efficient operation with valley switching. The UCC28730 also usesdithering of the gate drive which helps to ease EMI compliance.This user’s guide provides the schematic, component list, assembly drawing, art work, and test set upnecessary to evaluate the UCC28730 and UCC24650 in a typical off-line converter application.