OverviewAll product unitsProduct unitElectromechanical ComponentsProduct groupConnectorsProduct familyCoaxial ConnectorsProduct sub-familyCable AssembliesTypeSMA CombinationsTypeSMA Bulkhead Jack to MCX Right Angle PlugTypeWR-CXASY SMA Bulkhead Jack to MCX Right Angle Plug / RG-316/U Flexible Cable / 152.4mm length

WR-CXASY SMA Bulkhead Jack to MCX Right Angle Plug / RG-316/U Flexible Cable / 152.4mm length

WR-CXASY SMA Bulkhead Jack to MCX Right Angle Plug / RG-316/U Flexible Cable / 152.4mm length
Material Properties
General Information
Operating Temperature-55 °C up to +155 °C
Cable TypeFlexible
Cable ShieldingBraid
Connector Type 1SMA
Connector Type 2MCX
Gender 1Jack
Gender 2Plug
Orientation Type 1Straight
Orientation Type 2Right Angle
Mechanical Properties
Min. Bend Radius12.7 mm


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3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. DC~6 GHz
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