OverviewAll product unitsProduct unitRadio ModulesProduct groupRadio ModulesProduct familyProprietary & WirepasProduct sub-familyProprietary

Proprietary Radio as Bluetooth® LE Alternative

1. THE IDEA to connect wireless to a device

  • Parameterization for commissioning
  • Start/stop measurement
  • Read out results
  • Notification danger
  • Connecting for servicing the device
  • Checking device state for predicitve maintanence
  • Recalibration

    2. NO STANDARD does fit
  • Try to implement Bluetooth®:
    • Bluetooth® classic with to high energy consumption
    • Bluetooth® Listing Costs too high
    • Small quantities cannot carry the high costs
    • Bluetooh® LE not flexible enough for the idea
  • Same is valid for Sub-GHz LoRa, SigFox, etc.

    3. THE SOLUTION - Proprietary communication
  • Easy adaption possible
  • Fitting perfectly to the needs
  • No license costs arise
  • Full control over application
Comparison Bluetooth® to Proprietary
Comparison Bluetooth® to Proprietary

Network Topologies


Point-to-Point topology is the type of network topology which is used to connect to network nodes directly with each other through some link. In between these two nodes, the data is transmitted using this link.


In a star topology all nodes are connected via a central station. All communication is only possible via the central node.


In Peer-to-Peer topology every node has a direct connection to the other nodes and can communicate to each other.

Flooding Mesh

In a flooding mesh topology an indirect communication between nodes is possible. The message will be repeated until it reaches the receiver.

Exchangeability 868 MHz / 915 MHz

Compatibility Tarvos-Thebe-Telesto-Themisto Series

  • Footprint compatible RF-modules
  • Alternative usage by only changing the RF-module
  • No change in the HW on Host-side required
  • Flexible use of both frequencies for different regions possible
  • 868 MHz and 915 MHz exchangable
  • Using Low or High Power modules for different ranges
  • Modules with 14 dBm (25 mW): Tarvos-III and Telesto-III
  • Modules with 27 dBm (500 mW): Thebe-II and Themisto-I

Tarvos-III & Telesto-III

Thebe-II & Themisto-I

Exchangeability 2.4 GHz

Choose between Bluetooth®, Wirepas or proprietary radio

Take future trends into account and keep the flexibility!
Committing today on a wireless technology for tomorrow seems impossible. How nice would it be to expand your application with different radio protocols at any time without any layout changes. Würth Elektronik offers you a high degree of freedom with the radio module footprint. It is one quality proven hardware base, that prevents you from enormous costs of re-design in future already today. Choose between a Bluetooth®, WirepasTM or proprietary radio module or the combined variant of proprietary and Bluetooth®.

  • Footprint compatible RF-modules
  • Flexible use of both technologies possible
  • Alternative usage by only changing the RF-module
  • Future-proof circuit with adaptable interface
  • No change in the HW on Host-side required

Proprietary Application with Thyone-I

  • For applications with enclosed communication
  • Communication invisible for smart devices
  • Connection to a standard device only with a certain USB-radio stick possible
  • Connected sensors building up a secure network


  • Secure network set up
  • Easy connection between the nodes
  • Extending interfaces by connecting a USB-radio stick
  • A gateway connecting securely to the network provides the combined result to the user via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Cellular, MQTT or on any platform

Bluetooth® Application with Proteus-III

  • Connecting directly to smart devices
  • Parameterization of a sensor
  • Reading out results from a measuring device


  • Connecting manually to each sensor via smart device
  • Easy and smart consumer-oriented