IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (97)

Analog Devices LTC2972 | Demoboard DC2675A

LTC2972 4-Channel PMBus Power System Manager with LTM4644 Quad 4A Power Supply


Eingangsspannung4.5-15 V
Ausgang 13.3 V


The DC2739A is a two-board demonstration system consisting of the DC2675A and DC2363A. The DC2675A contains all the circuitry needed to use two LTC®2972 Power System Managers to control four power supplies. The DC2363A contains four power supplies (LTM®4644-1quad 4A µModule® regulator) which are configured to be controlled by the two LTC2972 devices. The DC2363A and DC2675A demo boards together provide a sophisticated 4-channel digitally programmable power supply system.The LTC2972 is a 2-channel I2C/SMBus/PMBus Power System Manager that features accurate input current and energy measurement. The device monitors input current and input voltage, and calculates input power and energy. The DC2675A demonstrates the ability of the LTC2972 to sequence, trim, margin, supervise, monitor, and log faults for four power supplies. The LTC2972 monitors each channel’s output voltage and output current and also monitors its own internal die temperature.


  • Sequence, Trim, Margin and Supervise Two Power Supplies
  • Manage Faults, Monitor Telemetry
  • PMBus Compliant Command Set
  • Supported by LTpowerPlay® GUI
  • Margin or Trim Supplies to Within 0.25% of Target
  • Monitor Input Current (±1%) and Accumulate Energy
  • Fast OV/UV Supervisors per Channel
  • Coordinate Sequencing and Fault Management Across Multiple ADI PSM Devices
  • Automatic Fault Logging to Internal EEPROM
  • Operate Autonomously Without Additional Software
  • Configurable Power Good Output Pins
  • Accurate Monitoring of Output Voltage, Output Current, Temperature, and Input Voltage and Current
  • 1.8V to 3.3V I2C/SMBus Serial Interface
  • Connect Directly to Regulator IMON Pins
  • Can Be Powered from 3.3V, or 4.5V to 15V
  • Available in 44-Pin 6mm × 7mm QFN Package
  • LTpowerPlay® Configuration and Development Tool

Typische Anwendungen

  • Industrial Test and Measurement / High Reliability Systems
  • Video and Medical Imaging
  • Computers and Network Servers

Weiterführende Informationen


Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieλDom typ.
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IV typ.
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Verpackung Muster
25 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WL-SMCW SMT Mono-color Chip LED Waterclear 630 Superrot 645 60 1.9 AlInGaP 140 0.7 Tape and Reel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.54 mm THT Pin Header 7 Single Pin Header Gerade 3 Beutel
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 2 Jumper 3 Beutel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 3 Single Pin Header Gerade 2 Beutel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 4 Single Pin Header Gerade 2 Beutel
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieλDom typ.
FarbeλPeak typ.
IV typ.
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Chiptechnologie50% typ.
Pins (Value)ReihenH
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