IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Analog Devices LTC3351 | Demoboard DC2464A-A

LTC3351EUFF Hot Swappable Supercapacitor Charger, Backup Controller and System Monitor


Eingangsspannung11-18 V
Schaltfrequenz200-1000 kHz
Ausgang 16 V / 4 A


Demonstration circuit 2464A-A/2464A-B is a supercapacitor charger and backup controller with a hot swappable front end plus supercapacitor health and system monitoring; featuring the LTC®3351. The LTC3351 includes a buck supercapacitor charger and a backup boost controller. It has dual input hot swap FETs to control the inrush current when connected and to disconnect the input supply when an over current fault or input power loss occurs. An output ideal diode allows the supercapacitors to supply the output when VCAP is abovethe set backup voltage. As the capacitor stack voltage drops down to the set output voltage, the LTC3351 will operate as a boost regulator to supply the output until the energy in the supercapacitors is depleted.


  • Integrated Hot Swap Controller with Circuit Breaker
  • High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down CC/CVCharging of One to Four Series Supercapacitors
  • Step-Up Mode in Backup Provides GreaterUtilization of Stored Energy in Supercapacitors
  • 16-Bit ADC for Monitoring System Voltages/Currents, Capacitance and ESR
  • Programmable Undervoltage and OvervoltageThresholds to 35V
  • VIN: 4.5V to 35V, VCAP(n): Up to 5V per Capacitor, Charge/Backup Current: >10A
  • Programmable Input Current Limit Prioritizes System Load Over Capacitor Charge Current
  • All N-FET Charger Controller and PowerPath Controller
  • Compact 44-Lead 4mm x 7mm QFN Package

Typische Anwendungen

  • Swappable PCIe cards with NVM / Servers/Mass Storage/High Availability Systems
  • High Current 12V Ride-Through UPS

Weiterführende Informationen


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6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 3 Single Pin Header Gerade 2 Beutel
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