IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Analog Devices LTC3828 | Demoboard DC980B

Dual Power Supply Monitor and Margining Controller with LTC3828 Dual DC/DC Supply


Eingangsspannung7-21 V
Ausgang 15 V / 5 A
Ausgang 23.3 V / 5 A


The DC980A and DC980B are a demonstration system thatshowcases the LTC2970, a dual power supply monitor andmargining controller with an I2C interface. The DC980Aboard contains the LTC2970 device and the DC980Bboard contains the LTC3828 dual DC/DC controller. Thetwo boards interface to each other via a 20-pin connector.The DC980B board features the LTC3828 dual output,2-phase synchronous buck regulator. The LTC2970’stwo voltage-buffered, 8-bit IDACs allow highly accuratemargining of the LTC3828’s output voltages. The IDACscan be configured to automatically servo the power suppliesto a desired voltage using the ADC for feedback. TheDC980B comes preconfigured with 3.3V and 5V powersupply rail voltages.The LTC2970’s low drift reference and 14-bit ΔΣ A/Dconverter allow precise measurements of two power supplyoutput voltages and load currents. Fault managementallows ALERTB to be asserted for configurable over- andundervoltage fault conditions.This demonstration system is supported by theLTpowerPlay™ graphical user interface (GUI) which enablescomplete control of all the features of the device. Together,the LTpowerPlay software and DC980A/DC980B hardwaresystem create a powerful development environment fordesigning and testing hardware configurations for theLTC2970. The software displays the LTC2970 features andprovides real time measurements from the device’s ADCand status registers. Telemetry also allows easy accessof the fault status created by the LTC2970.The LTC2970 features may be evaluated with the LTC3828based power supplies, or alternatively the DC980B boardmay be removed and DC980A can then be connected toan external power supply circuit. The DC980B demo board is powered by an external 8Vto 15V power supply. To power the DC980A demo board,you have two choices. It may be powered from either theDC590 USB-to-I2C controller or from the DC980B boardusing an external jumper wire. Communication with thesoftware is provided through the DC590 USB-to-I2C controller.The following is a checklist of items which can beobtained from the LTC website or LTC field sales.n USB-to-I2C/Serial Controller (DC590)n LTpowerPlay Software


Monitors and Margins Two Power Supplies

Two Output and Input Voltage Monitors

Two Output Current Monitors

Telemetry Reads Back VIN, VOUT, IOUT, Temperature

Supported by LTpowerPlay GUI

I2C Adjustable OV/UV Trip Points

Margin or Trim Supplies to ±0.5% Accuracy

I2C/SMBus Serial Interface

Programmable GPIO for Fault Reporting

Powered from External Power Supply

LTC2970 Available in 24-Pin QFN Package

Weiterführende Informationen


Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
RDC max.
MontageartPins (Value)ReihenH
Verpackung Muster
8 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-LHMI SMT Speicherdrossel 2.2 7.7 10 19.1 20 32 SMT 2.8
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 2 Jumper 3 Beutel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header THT 3 Single Pin Header Gerade 2 Beutel
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
RDC max.
MontageartPins (Value)ReihenH
Verpackung Muster