Demonstration circuit of DC2194A features theLTM®4642IY, the wide input voltage, high efficiency andpower density, dual 4A or single 8A DC/DC step-downμModule regulator. The step-down regulator operatesfrom an input voltage range of 4.5V to 20V (or 2.5V min.with 5V external bias voltage at CPWR) and provides anadjustable output voltage range from 0.6V to 5V at 4A loadcurrent per channel. The part is capable of operating indual phase single output, delivers up to 8A load currentwith interleaved two phases at 180 degrees. Differentialoutput voltage sensing is available on Channel 1 for applicationsrequiring more accurate output load regulation.A user-selectable mode input is provided to allow users totrade off ripple noise for light load efficiency: DiscontinuousMode (DCM) of operation delivers higher efficiencyat light load while Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) ispreferred for noise sensitive applications. The mode pincan also be used to sync the switching frequency to anexternal clock. Programmable switching frequency rangeis from 600kHz to 1400kHz with a ±30% synchronizationcapture range. Constant on time, valley current modecontrol architecture and integrated internal control loopcompensation allow very fast transient response to lineand load changes while maintaining loop stability.It is recommended to read the data sheet and demomanual of LTM4642 prior using or making any changesto DC2194A.