IC-Hersteller NXP

IC-Hersteller (97)

NXP TEA1833 | Demoboard AN11675

GreenChip TEA1833(L)TS fixed frequency flyback controller


Eingangsspannung230 V
Schaltfrequenz65-130 kHz
Ausgang 119.5 V / 3.34 A
Ausgang 219.5 V / 2 A
IC-RevisionUM10899 1.0


UM10899TEA1833DB1361 45 W demo board


SMPS controller IC enabling low-cost applications

  • Small low-cost TSOP6 package
  • Fixed switching frequency with frequency jitter to reduce ElectroMagnetic Interference(EMI)
  • Frequency reduction with fixed minimum peak current to maintain high efficiency andlow output ripple at low-power output levels
  • Peak power operation in CCM, increased peak current (1.4 times) and switchingfrequency (2 times)
  • Slope compensation for CCM operation
  • Integrated soft start
  • High/low line compensation for constant overpower protection level
  • Wide VCC voltage range (10.5 V to 36 V)No-load power consumption < 55 mW at 230 V (AC) possible for 65 W applications.
  • Very low supply current during start and restart (11 A typical) enabling the use of ahigh-ohmic start-up resistor.
  • Burst mode when the voltage on the VCC pin drops to the burst threshold level (justabove UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) level) to prevent a restart during prolonged noswitching. It enables using a small VCC capacitor and a high-ohmic start-up resistor.
  • Low supply current during normal operation (0.58 mA typical).
  • Frequency reduction at low load to maintain high efficiency at low loadAccurate OverVoltage Protection (OVP) via the ISENSE pin
  • OverVoltage Protection on the VCC supply pin
  • UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) on the VCC supply pin
  • Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP)
  • External OverTemperature Protection (OTP) using 100 k NTC resistor
  • Overpower time-out: 27.5 ms (TEA1833TS); 160 ms (TEA1833LTS)
  • Overpower time-out during output short circuit conditions, reducing the average inputpower: 14.5 ms (TEA1833TS only)
  • Restart timer after an overpower condition for low average input power at overloadand short circuit (TEA1833TS only)
  • Output Short Circuit Protection (OSCP) to prevent transformer saturation duringstart-up, overload events or short circuit events
  • Maximum frequency limitation at high mains to prevent unnecessary high voltage ondrain of MOSFET
  • Brownin and brownout protection to avoid operation during mains undervoltageconditions
  • Maximum duty cycle protection for  > 90 %Accurate OverVoltage Protection (OVP) via the ISENSE pin
  • OverVoltage Protection on the VCC supply pin
  • UnderVoltage LockOut (UVLO) on the VCC supply pin
  • Internal OverTemperature Protection (OTP)
  • External OverTemperature Protection (OTP) using 100 k NTC resistor
  • Overpower time-out: 27.5 ms (TEA1833TS); 160 ms (TEA1833LTS)
  • Overpower time-out during output short circuit conditions, reducing the average inputpower: 14.5 ms (TEA1833TS only)
  • Restart timer after an overpower condition for low average input power at overloadand short circuit (TEA1833TS only)
  • Output Short Circuit Protection (OSCP) to prevent transformer saturation duringstart-up, overload events or short circuit events
  • Maximum frequency limitation at high mains to prevent unnecessary high voltage ondrain of MOSFET
  • Brownin and brownout protection to avoid operation during mains undervoltageconditions
  • Maximum duty cycle protection for  > 90 %

Typische Anwendungen

  • Ultrabooks and notebooks
  • Printers
  • LCD TVs and LCD monitors

Weiterführende Informationen


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Z @ 25 MHz
1 Windung
Z @ 100 MHz
1 Windung
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2 Dateien WE-SAFB 1 3.5 1.2 4 35 50 7 W 850
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads ProduktserieØ Kabel max.
Z @ 25 MHz
1 Windung
Z @ 100 MHz
1 Windung
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