IC-Hersteller Texas Instruments

IC-Hersteller (98)

Texas Instruments LMS3635MQRNLRQ1 | Demoboard ADC12DJ5200

12-bit, dual 5.2-GSPS or single 10.4-GSPS, RF-sampling ADC evaluation module


Eingangsspannung12 V
Ausgang 13.6 V


The ADC12DJ5200RF evaluation module (EVM) allows for the evaluation of device ADC12DJ5200RF. The ADC12DJ5200RF is a low-power, 12-bit, dual 5.2-GSPS/single 10.4-GSPS, RF-sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a buffered analog input, integrated digital down converter with programmable NCO and decimation settings (including undecimated 12- and 8-bit ADC output), which features a JESD204B/C interface. The EVM has transformer-coupled analog inputs to accommodate a wide range of signal sources and frequencies.An LMX2582 clock synthesizer and LMK04828 JESD204B/C clock generator are included on the EVM and can be configured to provide an ultra-low-jitter ADC device clock and SYSREF for a complete JESD204B/C subclass 1 clocking solution.The ADC12DJ5200RF, LMX2582, and LMK04828 are controlled through an easy-to-use software GUI enabling quick configuration for a variety of uses.The ADC12DJ5200RFEVM connects directly to the TSW14J57EVM data capture hardware via the high-speed FMC+ connector. High-speed data converter pro software (DATACONVERTERPRO-SW) is also available for data capture and analysis support when using the TSW14J57EVM.


  • Flexible transformer-coupled analog input to allow for a variety of sources and frequencies
  • Easy-to-use software GUI to configure ADC12DJ5200RF, LMX2582, and LMK04828 devices for a variety of configurations through a USB interface
  • Quickly evaluate ADC performance through high-speed data converter pro software (DATACONVERTERPRO-SW)
  • Simple connection to TSW14J57EVM data capture card (sold separately)

Typische Anwendungen

  • Surround View Camera / Radar/Lidar
  • Driver Information
  • USB Charging
  • Vehicle to Vehicle

Weiterführende Informationen


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