OverviewAll product unitsProduct unitPassive ComponentsProduct groupCapacitorsProduct familyAlpha-Rack CapacitorsProduct familyAlpha-Rack TowersRack TowersAlpha-Rack Rotating Tower 1

Alpha-Rack Rotating Tower 1

Order Code 742 707 304

Alpha-Rack Rotating Tower 1


  • Our compact free-standing towers with one level offer plenty of space for electronic components
  • Both design kits and loose components can be perfectly integrated
  • Each tower can be equipped individually and can be extended with up to three level.
  • The tower is mobile and can be easily moved


The flexible rack system for EMI solutions and smart prototyping offers fast and easy access to your components

Explanatory video, Modules, Accessories and more


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Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.Alpha-Rack Rotating Tower 2
Order Code Data­sheet
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Alpha-Rack – the flexible rack system with lifelong free refill