Passive Components
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Application Notes
SN008 Expected Lifetime of Aluminum Electrolytic and Aluminum Polymer Capacitor ANE008 Hot plugging of PoE Modular Jacks ANP002 The Protection of USB 2.0 Applications ANP004 Balunless measurement of mixed-mode scattering parameters ANP005 EMC Filter for DC/DC switching controller optimized ANP006 Influence of control loop by an Output filter ANP007 Effective USB 3.1 filtering and protection ANP008 Negative input resistance of switching regulators ANP009 Loss-Free Filtered ANP013 Quiet switching controller for audio amplifiers ANP014 Wireless Energy Transmission - Coils as Key Components ANP015 Line filter – The last barrier in the switch mode power supply ANP016 Going Wireless with Magnetic Shielding ANP017 Designing buck converters with isolated outputs ANP019 Inductor Current Rating ANP021 Safe, Reliable Designs for Non-Isolated Offline Switchers with 400VDC Rated Power Inductors ANP022 Selection and Characteristics of WE-FSFS (Flexible Sintered Ferrite Sheet) ANP024 The USB Interface from EMC Point of View ANP025 Ferrite Beads for Ringing Control ANP027 Wireless Power Charging Coil Changing Considerations ANP028 The world's first peak current load SMT ferrite ANP029 Accurate Inductor Loss Determination using REDEXPERT ANP031 Determination of the Ideal Power Inductor for Energy-efficient Applications ANP032 High Power Wireless Power Transfer for the Industrial Environment ANP036 Voids in Bottom Termination Components (BTC) ANP039 Power Inductors - 8 Design Tips ANP041 Peak Current Proof Input Filter with Multilayer Power Suppression Bead WE-MPSB ANP044 Impact of the layout, components, and filters on the EMC of modern DC/DC switching controllers ANP045: Behind the Magic of High Frequency SMT Chip Bead Ferrites ANP047 The Behavior of Electro-Magnetic Radiation of Power Inductors in Power Management ANP049 EMC & Efficiency Optimization of High Power DC/DC Converter ANP057 WE-MCA Multilayer Chip Antenna Placement & Matching ANP059 Characterization Methods for Flexible Absorber Sheets WE-FAS ANP062 LC Filter Design With MLCCs: Why The Applied Voltage Matters ANP070 Proprietary wireless power transfer solution for high performance including data transmission ANP071 Aluminum Electrolytic vs. Aluminum Polymer Capacitor and how its benefits are used properly ANP074 Introduction to RF inductors ANP077 Supercapacitor – A Guide for the Design-In Process ANP078 WE-RJ45 LAN for Through-Hole Reflow ANP082 Auxiliary supply requirements for SiC/GaN gate driver systems ANP083 Adapter PCB for filtering electromagnetic interference on an RS-485 interface ANP084: Impedance Matching for Near Field Communication Applications ANP085 Single Pair Ethernet for Industrial Applications ANP090 Keep the balance – Balancing of supercapacitors ANP096 What do rated current values mean? ANP098 Effect of layout, vias and design on the blocking quality of filter capacitors ANP101 RF Gain Block Amplifier with Integrated Ferrite Bead for Broadband Operation ANP109 Impedance Spectra of Different Capacitor Technologies ANP113 Feedback loop compensation of a current-mode Flyback converter with optocoupler ANP114 Voltage and Frequency Dependence of Ferroelectric Class 2 Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors ANP116 Gigabit Ethernet interface from an EMC perspective ANP117 Impact of output capacitor on feedback loop stability of a power ANP117 Impact of output capacitor on feedback loop stability of a power supply ANP121 Filter and surge protection for I2C Bus ANP122 Gigabit PoE Interface from an EMC perspective ANP123 Long- and Short-Term Voltage Dependence of Ferroelectric Class 2 MLCCs ANP125 Acoustic Effect of Harmonic Distortions caused by Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors ANP126 Voltage specification for molded inductors ANP128 Introduction to thermal aging in molded power inductors ANP129 Inductive SMT Components in Comparison – the Wire Makes the Difference ANP138 Custom Rated Current Calculator ANP141 The SPoE Interface from an EMC Perspective ANP142 Effects of molded power inductor degradation due to higher voltage or temperature in a DC/DC converter ANR017 GNSS Antenna Selection DC2321A Dust® Energy Harvesting Application Demo Board with E-Ink Display DC2344A Gleanergy Multi-Source Energy Harvesting Demo Board with Battery Chargers and Life-Extenders for use with DC2321A Dust Demo Board DC2510A Shield Board for use with DC2321A Dust Demo Board FA001 Industrial Ethernet Designing for success in harsh industrial environments FA002 Challenges and advantages of high-bandwidth uncompressed video connectivity for medical diagnostic equipment SN008 Expected Lifetime of Aluminum Electrolytic and Aluminum Polymer Capacitor SN009: How to Use Supercapacitors? SN011 Why does the capacity of MLCCs change SN012: How does a Supercapacitor age? Lifetime Model of Electric Double Layer Capacitors SN018 Cracks on Molded Power Inductors SN019 Afraid of aging? The effects of time on electrolytic capacitors SN023 Conducted emissions test