OverviewAll product unitsProduct unitPassive ComponentsProduct groupEMC ComponentsProduct familyFerrites for Cable AssemblyMounting StyleFerrite Cores for Cable AssemblyProduct seriesWE-AFB LFS


Low Frequency Specialist



  • Core material: MnZn for low frequency applications
  • Operating temperature: –25 °C to +125 °C


  • Especially for applications in the low frequency range from 150 kHz and 30 MHz
  • Suppression of electronic ballasts (i.e. neon tube) in the lighting industry


Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads StatusØ Cable max.
Z @ 1 MHz
1 turn
Z @ 10 MHz
1 turn
MaterialAlpha-Rack Samples

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 4.55 9.5 4.8 9.5 30 40 8 W 5000742707002

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 6.1 14.2 6.35 28.5 130 100 8 W 5000742707002

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 7.6 16 8 28.5 100 80 8 W 5000742707002

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 9.25 17.5 9.5 28.5 100 60 8 W 5000742707002

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 9.7 18.6 10.2 28.5 90 60 8 W 5000

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

3 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. 12.5 26 12.8 28.5 90 50 8 W 5000742707002
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.


PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.


PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.


PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.


PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.


PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation Downloads StatusØ Cable max.
Z @ 1 MHz
1 turn
Z @ 10 MHz
1 turn
MaterialAlpha-Rack Samples


Articles from this product series can be found in the following assortments: