OverviewAll product unitsProduct unitRadio ModulesProduct groupRadio ModulesProduct familyBuild Your Own Firmware

Build Your Own Firmware

A custom firmware:

  • Can be developed using the SDK's and resources are provided by the SoC manufacturer. In case of Ophelia-I and Proteus it's either the nRF5 SDK or nRF connect SDK by Nordic Semiconductors.
  • Defines the functional characteristics and specifications of the radio module
  • Can be optimized to the specific application, such as allowing hostless operation

Compared to that Proteus-e, Ophelia's twin, is based on the same hardware but coming with a Bluetooth® 5.1 firmware. Proteus preinstalled firmware comes with some advantages regarding the reduction in development effort and risc for the customer. Considering the task to add a radio communication to the application, the resources required for firmware development or for module's certification are neglegtable. And thanks to the Wireless Connectivity SDK using the API of any wireless module from Würth Elektronik with your host IC is an easy task for developers.

If you have your custom firmware ready for either of our module hardware platforms, we can take care of the flashing and produce your custom module in the quantity you need.