SLIM.flex Physical PCB Sample WE.scope

SLIM.flex physical PCB sample WE.scope

Our SLIM.flex physical PCB sample WE.scope shows you on the top:
Space-saving mechatronic design, glued-on stiffener for a quasi-rigid part.

... and on the bottom:
Solder carrier with cutouts for component placement. Holes in the solder carrier for easy detaching the SLIM.flex PCB assembled.

Overview physical PCB sample WE.scope

SLIM.flex physical PCB sample WE.scope in detail

WE CBT Sample WE.scope in detail

Stackup: SLIM.flex Ri-4F-Ri
Explanations: Anylayer microvia, thin, robust, impedance defined.

The solder carrier enables assembly and soldering using standard processes, and the assembled SLIM.flex PCB can be easily separated from the solder carrier.


Design: planar/spatial

Explanation: Space-saving spatial arrangement, minimization of space requirements in planar manufacturing and placement state. Stiffener in the sensor area for reinforcement.

Design: Lasered, with micro webs

Design: Components on the back

Explanations: Placement in the cavity with a 3D step template, alternatively dispensing or Jetprint

Design: Impedance models available. Please get in touch with us!

CBT Hand sample WE.scope Sensor EN

Design: BGA pitch 0,35 mm, stiffener for reinforcement, for component assembly with cavity in solder carrier

Design: BGA sensor fanout

Design: unbalanced coaxial connector 50R

WE CBT physical PCB sample SLIM.flex in detail

Explanation: For ZIF connector 0.2 mm +/- 0.03 mm, optionally 0.3 mm by stiffener

Design: Flexible cantilever, bendable in all spatial directions 

Explanation: see

Animation WE.scope

Detaching the SLIM.flex physical PCB sample from solder carrier

Cover video animation SLIM.flex

Download WE.scope digital sample

How do I design ultra-small circuits in my ECAD tool?

What options do I have for connecting the tracks to pads in the layout?

Our digital hand sample WE.scope provides an initial answer to these questions. Take a look for yourself: We have put together a sample project for you in Cadence. You can also download the documentation as Step file or in IPC-2581 format and import it into your ECAD tool.

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