IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Analog Devices LTC3310S | Demoboard DC2874A-C

5V, Multiphase (40A, 30A, 20A), Synchronous Step-Down Silent Switcher 2


Eingangsspannung2.25-5.5 V
Schaltfrequenz1800-2200 kHz
Ausgang 11.22 V / 20 A


Demonstration Circuit DC2874A shows the LTC®3310S 10A, Low Voltage, Synchronous Step-Down Silent Switcher operating as a multiphase 2.0MHz, 3.3V to 1.2V buck regulator. The DC2874A has three build options to provide a two phase 20A, three phase 30A, or four phase 40A output solution. The LTC3310S supports adjustable output voltages from 0.5V to VIN and operating frequencies from 500kHz up to 2.25MHz in multiphase operation. DC2874A operates in pulse skip mode and allows the slave phases to stop switching first before the master starts skipping pulses for better low current efficiency. The DC2874A also has an EMI filter to reduce conducted EMI. This EMI filter can be included by applying the input voltage at the VIN EMI terminal. The EMI performance of the board is shown in the EMI TEST RESULTS section. The red lines in the EMI performance graphs illustrate the CISPR25 Class 5 peak limits for the conducted and radiated emission tests. The Efficiency vs. Load graph shows the efficiency of the circuit with a 3.3V input for the 2-, 3-, 4-phase circuits. The LTC3310S datasheet gives a complete description of the device, operation and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual. The LTC3310S is assembled in a 3mm x 3mm LQFN package with exposed pads for low thermal resistance.

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Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieZ @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR
Z @ 1 GHz
TypPins (Value)ReihenGenderVerpackung Muster
9 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-MPSB EMI Multilayer Power Suppression Bead 100 160 1100 MHz 8000 150 2.3 Hochstrom
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 3000 2 Jumper Beutel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 2000 Gerade 3 Single Pin Header Beutel
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieZ @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR
Z @ 1 GHz
TypPins (Value)ReihenGenderVerpackung Muster