IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (97)

Analog Devices LTC3643 | Demoboard DC2220A

DC2220A - LTC3643 Demo Board | 2A, Bidirectional 40V Boost Charger/Buck Back-Up Power Regulator, 3V ≤ VIN ≤ 17V (Boost), Vout = 5V @ 2A/3A/4A (Buck)


TopologieAbwärts- und Aufwärtswandler
Eingangsspannung3-17 V
Ausgang 110 V


Demonstration circuit 2220A is a 2A, bidirectional charger/regulator featuring the LTC®3643, a bidirectional synchronousstep-up charger and step-down converter. DC2220Aimplements backup by charging a storage capacitor up to40V in boost mode, when the input voltage is present. Itdischarges the storage capacitor in buck mode, providinga regulated load voltage of 3V to 17V, when the inputis interrupted. Its wide voltage range, both in capacitorcharger mode and in system backup mode, makes it wellsuited to a wide variety of applications. The ability of theLTC3643 to boost an input rail to a relatively high voltage of40V, combined with the DC2220 option of adding externalcapacitor banks, makes this regulator an excellent choicefor energy storage applications.

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