IC-Hersteller Analog Devices

IC-Hersteller (98)

Analog Devices LTC3312SA | Demoboard DC3091A

3.3V to 1.2V and1.8V at 6A, 2MHz Dual Step-Down DC/DC Regulators


Eingangsspannung2.25-5.5 V
Schaltfrequenz1800-2200 kHz
Ausgang 11.23 V / 6 A
Ausgang 21.84 V / 6 A


Demo Circuit 3091A features the LTC®3312SA, 5V, dual 6A/dual-phase 12A step-down DC/DC regulator IC. This demo circuit is configured as a 2MHz, 3.3V input buck regulator with dual 6A output at 1.2V and 1.8V. The LTC3312SA features dual monolithic synchronous 6A step-down power stages in a 3mm × 4mm package for space saving applications with demanding performance requirements. Both bucks achieve high efficiency and fast transient response with small external components.The LTC3312SA can also be configured as a single output, dual-phase 12A step-down converter. Please refer to DC3092A as a single output dual-phase application example. The LTC3312SA data sheet gives a complete description of its operation and application information. The data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demomanual when evaluating or modifying this demo circuit.DC3091A supports three operation modes, including pulse skip, forced continuous and Burst Mode® operation. The clock frequency and the operation mode are shared by both regulators. User can select desired operation mode with JP1 jumper. Setting JP1 to FC/SYNC position alsoallows the LTC3312SA to sync to a clock frequency from 1MHz to 3MHz, operating in forced continuous mode.


  • Dual 6A Outputs
  • Configurable as Single Output, 2-Phase 12A Buck
  • High Efficiency: 12mΩ High-Side and 8mΩ Low-Side
  • ±1% Maximum Total DC Output Error
  • Wide Bandwidth, Fast Transient Response
  • Internal Input Capacitors Reduce EMI
  • VIN Range: 2.25V to 5.5V
  • VOUT Range: 0.5V to VIN
  • Programmable Frequency to 3MHz
  • Low Ripple Burst Mode® Operation with Low IQ
  • Shutdown Current: 1.4μA
  • 35ns Minimum On-Time
  • Internal Compensation
  • Precision Enable, Power Good for Power Sequencing
  • Tracking, Programmable Soft-Start, Temp Monitor Output
  • Thermally Enhanced, 22-Lead 4mm × 3mm × 0.95mm LQFN package
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications

Typische Anwendungen

  • Industrial
  • Communications
  • FPGA, ASIC, µP Core Supplies, Servers, Telecom Power Supplies, Optical Networking, Distributed DC Power Systems (POL)
  • Automotive

Weiterführende Informationen


Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
Z @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR
Z @ 1 GHz
TypPins (Value)ReihenGenderVerpackung Muster
9 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WE-MPSB EMI Multilayer Power Suppression Bead 4.5 100 160 1100 MHz 8000 150 2.3 Hochstrom
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 6 2000 Gerade 3 Single Pin Header Beutel
6 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm THT Pin Header 8 2000 Gerade 4 Single Pin Header Beutel
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WA-SNSR Self-Retaining Spacer 12.7 4.8
3 Dateien Aktiv i| Produktion ist aktiv. Erwartete Lebenszeit: >10 Jahre.WR-PHD 2.00 mm Jumper with Test Point 3000 2 Jumper Beutel
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation
Artikel Nr. Daten­blatt Simu­lation Downloads Status ProduktserieL
Z @ 100 MHz
Testbedingung ZmaxIR
Z @ 1 GHz
TypPins (Value)ReihenGenderVerpackung Muster