| 890414025001CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 100 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025007CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 33 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025010CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 560 nF | 310 | 13.39 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025003CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025011CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 330 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025012CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 470 nF | 310 | 15.95 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414025013CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 270 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026001CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 330 nF | 310 | 25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026003CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 470 nF | 310 | 15.95 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026004CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 560 nF | 310 | 13.39 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026005CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 680 nF | 310 | 11.02 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026007CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 1 µF | 310 | 7.5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026009CS | SPEC
| | 8 files Download_3D_WCAP-FTXH_22,5x26,5x14,5x24,5 (rev1).pdf | 81.6 KB Download_IGS_WCAP-FTXH_22,5x26,5x14,5x24,5 (rev1).igs | 785.1 KB Download_STP_WCAP-FTXH_22,5x26,5x14,5x24,5 (rev1).stp | 240 KB
| Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 1.5 µF | 310 | 5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026011CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 2.2 µF | 310 | 3.4 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026013CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 1.2 µF | 310 | 6.25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414026014CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 1 µF | 310 | 7.5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027002CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 3.3 µF | 310 | 2.27 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027003CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 4.7 µF | 310 | 1.59 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027004CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 560 nF | 310 | 13.39 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027005CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 680 nF | 310 | 11.02 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027006CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 820 nF | 310 | 9.14 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027007CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 1 µF | 310 | 7.5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027009CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 1.5 µF | 310 | 5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027010CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 1.8 µF | 310 | 4.16 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027011CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 2.2 µF | 310 | 3.4 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027012CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 1 µF | 310 | 7.5 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027013CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 1.2 µF | 310 | 6.25 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414027014CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 1.8 µF | 310 | 4.16 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028001CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 4.7 µF | 310 | 1.59 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028002CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 10 µF | 310 | 750 MΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028003CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 6.8 µF | 310 | 1.1 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028005CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 3.3 µF | 310 | 2.27 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028006CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 4.7 µF | 310 | 1.59 GΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890414028007CS | SPEC
| | 8 files | New i| Product is new in our portfolio and production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains or in series with the mains | 10 µF | 310 | 750 MΩ | -40 °C up to +110 °C | – | WCAP-FTXH Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334022007CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 15 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 7.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334022017CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 7.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334022007 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 15 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 7.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334022017 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 7.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334023002CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 5.6 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023003CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 6.8 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023004CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 8.2 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023006CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 10 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023007CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 12 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023008CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 15 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023010CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 18 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023011CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 22 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023015CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 47 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023017CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 56 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023019CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023021CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 82 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023023CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 100 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023024CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 120 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023025CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 150 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023028CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023002 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 5.6 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023003 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 6.8 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023004 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 8.2 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023007 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 12 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023008 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 15 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023010 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 18 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023011 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 22 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023017 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 56 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023019 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023021 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 82 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023023 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 100 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023024 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 120 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023028 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334023006 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 10 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334023015 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 47 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334023025 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 150 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 10 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334024001CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 150 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024002CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024003CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 330 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024005CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 470 nF | 310 | 21.28 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024001 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 150 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024003 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 330 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334024002 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334024005 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 470 nF | 310 | 21.28 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 12.5 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | 890334
| |
 | 890334025004CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 27 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025006CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 33 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025007CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 39 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025009CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 47 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025011CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 56 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025013CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025015CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 82 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025017CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 100 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025020CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 120 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025022CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 150 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025025CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 180 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025027CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 220 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025031CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 270 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025034CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 330 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025039CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 470 nF | 310 | 21.28 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025043CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 560 nF | 310 | 17.86 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025045CS | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 680 nF | 310 | 14.71 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025004 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 27 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025007 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 39 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025009 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 47 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025011 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 56 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |
 | 890334025013 | SPEC
| | 9 files | Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. | Across the mains | 68 nF | 310 | 30 GΩ | -40 °C up to +105 °C | Pitch 15 mm | WCAP-FTXX Film Capacitors | – | |