IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices 73M1922

73M1822/73M1922 MicroDAA Silicon DAA with Serial Interface


TopologyBoost Converter
Input voltage0.5 V
Switching frequency7.2-16 kHz
Output 13.3 V


The 73M1822 MicroDAA is the world’s first single-package silicon Data Access Arrangement (DAA) for data/fax modem and voice applications. It provides a serial Modem Analog Front End (MAFE) interface to popular DSP/host processors to implement a globally compliant low-cost soft modem solution.The 73M1822 MicroDAA is available as a two-chip configuration (the 73M1922) that consists of a 73M1902 Host-Side Device and a 73M1912 Line-Side Device. The MicroDAA integrates all codec and DAA functions necessary to achieve reliable PSTN connection worldwide.The MicroDAA uses a small pulse transformer, which can achieve more than 6 kV isolation. Power may be supplied along with data through this barrier interface to achieve superior performance in weak loop current conditions. Inherently immune to RFI and other forms of common mode interference, the patented MicroDAA technology achieves global DAA compliance with unparalleled flexibility, reliability, and cost structure and requires less than 2 square inches of a single sided PCB.The MicroDAA supports Caller ID Type I and II, ring detection, tip/ring polarity reversal detection, hook switch control, pulse dialing, regulation of loop current (DC mask), configurable line impedance matching, line in use and parallel pickup detection.The MicroDAA integrates billing tone filters, external clock reference, audio monitor output, and requires only a small number of low cost and commonly available external components.The MicroDAA incorporates a configurable sample rate circuit to support soft modem and DSP-based implementations of all speeds up to V.92 (56 Kbps). Sampling rates from 7.2 kHz to 16 kHz can be easily supported.


  • Meets FCC, ETSI ES 203 021-2, JATE, NET4 and other PTT standards
  • Configurable PSTN termination
  • Up to 8 mA minimum line current operation
  • 0 dBm Transmit/Receive full scale
  • THD –80 dB
  • 16-bit codec up to 16 kHz sample rate
  • Up to 56 Kbps (V.92) performance
  • Configurable sample rates (7.2 – 16 kHz)
  • Reference clock range of 9-40 MHz
  • Crystal frequency range of 9-27 MHz
  • MAFE I/F with Master, Slave and Daisy Chaining
  • Billing tone reject filter
  • Polarity reversal detection on-chip
  • GPIO for user-configurable I/O port
  • Call Progress Monitor
  • 3.3 V Operation
  • Industrial temperature range (-40° to +85° C)
  • 6 kV isolation (73M1922)
  • 4-5 kV isolation (73M1822)
  • 8x8 mm 42-pin QFN (73M1822)
  • 20-pin TSSOP or 5x5 mm 32-pin QFN (73M1922)
  • RoHS compliant (6/6) lead-free package

Typical applications

  • Embedded Modem Applications such as Medical and Industrial Telemetry
  • Satellite Set-Top Boxes
  • High-Speed Voiceband Data Modems
  • Fax/Fax/Multifunction Peripherals (MFPs)
  • POS Terminals


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Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years. Analog Modem Transformer
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