IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LT8550

4-Phase DC/DC Expander with Internal Gate Drivers for Buck Converters


TopologyBuck Converter
Input voltage12-36 V
Switching frequency125-1000 kHz
Output 16 V / 100 A


LT8550 is a multiphase expander for synchronous buck DC/DC converters. It operates in tandem with any buck DC/DC converter to increase the load current capability by adding additional phases, which are clocked out-of-phase to reduce ripple current and filtering capacitance. It easily adds phases without the need to route sensitive feedback and control signals.The LT8550 integrates gate drivers and can support up to four buck phases per device. Multiple LT8550’s can be used for up to 18 phases. It accurately monitors and adjusts the current of each channel to achieve excellent DC and transient current sharing.The LT8550 operates over a fixed frequency from 100kHz to 1MHz, or can be synchronized to an external clock.


  • Expands Up to Four Phases per Chip
  • Up to 80V Input or Output Voltage
  • Cascade with Multiple Chips for Very High Current Applications
  • Supports Up to 18 Distinct Phases from 20° to 180°
  • Phases Can Share Phase Angle
  • Excellent DC and Transient Current Sharing
  • Phase-Lockable Fixed Frequency 125kHz to 1MHz
  • Supports Bidirectional Current Flow
  • RSENSE or DCR Current Sensing
  • Eliminates the Need to Route Sensitive Feedback andControl Signals
  • 52-Lead (7mm × 8mm) QFN Package

Typical applications

  • High Current Distributed Power Systems
  • Telecom, Datacom, and Storage Systems
  • Industrial and Automotive


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PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-HCI SMT Flat Wire High Current Inductor 1.3 32.1 11 25 1.8 59 WE-PERM
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

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