IC manufacturers Analog Devices

IC manufacturers (97)

Analog Devices LT8711

Micropower Synchronous Multitopology Controller Controller with 42V input Capability


TopologyBoost Converter
Input voltage10.8-13.2 V
Switching frequency85-825 kHz
Output 124 V / 3 A
IC revision1.0


The LT®8711 is a multi-topology current mode PWM controllerthat can easily be configured as a synchronous buck,boost, SEPIC, ZETA or as a nonsynchronous buck-boostconverter. Its dual gate drive voltage inputs optimize gatedriver efficiency.The 15μA no-load quiescent current with the output voltagein regulation extends operating run-time in battery poweredsystems. Low ripple Burst Mode operation enables highefficiency at very light loads while maintaining low outputvoltage ripple. The LT8711's fixed switching frequency canbe set from 100kHz to 750kHz or can be synchronized toan external clock


Easily Configurable as a Synchronous Buck, Boost,SEPIC, ZETA or Nonsynchronous Buck-Boost Converternn Wide Input Range: 4.5V to 42V (VIN Can Operateto 0V, when EXTVCC > 4.5V)nn Automatic Low Noise Burst Mode® Operationnn Low IQ in Burst Mode Operation (15μA Operating)nn Input Voltage Regulation for High Impedance Sourcenn 100% Duty Cycle in Dropout (Buck Mode)nn 2A Gate Drivers (BG and TG)nn Adjustable Soft-Start with One Capacitornn Frequency Programmable from 100kHz to 750kHznn Can Be Synchronized to External Clocknn Available in 20-Lead TSSOP and 20-Lead 3mm×4mmQFN Packages

Typical applications

  • General Purpose DC/DC Conversion,Solar Panel Power Converter,nn Industrial Supplies
  • Automotive Systems


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PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

8 files Active i| Production is active. Expected lifetime: >10 years.WE-HCI SMT Flat Wire High Current Inductor 8.2 12.5 5 11 11.6 20 WE-PERM
Order Code Data­sheet Simu­lation

PCN pending

Due to a pending PCN there will be a new datasheet revision issued for this order code soon. Please find the actual as well based on valid PCN date the new revision datasheet below. If you have further questions please get in contact with our sales staff.

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